will be held at the WNC Ag Center Friday-Sunday, April 25, 26, & 27, 2025. 
Thank you to the thousands of customers, shoppers, and visitors who support the WNC Herb industry: farmers, manufacturers, and other related businesses.
Please visit the Director page for vendor contact information. 
The largest herb festival in the United States and Canada -- promoting WNC herbs and herbal products since 1990!
Friday & Saturday 8:30-5
Sunday 10:00-3:00

Free admission
Free parking
Free workshops

We welcome
Lost & Found

If you misplace something while shopping at the Festival,it will probably be turned in to the Festival Manager at the front office in the Expo Building. Please check there -- or call 828-301-8968 to see if your item has been found.
Drought-tolerant planting

In part because of changes in international climate patterns, the availability of sufficient water is often irregular in western North Carolina: rainfall can be abundant one year and almost nonexistent another. Some years have early, heavy rainfall, others are dry until mid-summer. But many popular herbs, having developed around the Mediterranean, are drought-tolerant, and experienced gardeners know that xeriscaping with drought-tolerant herbs and using captured rainwater is always a wise budgetary move as well as ecologically important. 
If you have questions about herbs, gardening, what herbs to plant where, and with or near what vegetables and flowers, the Master Gardners have answers! They'll be by the Main Entrance of the Festival Building.

 Come celebrate the 
35th Anniversary of the Asheville Spring Herb Festival

“If It’s Herbs, It’s Here.”

Soaps, TInctures, Extracts, Oils & Medicinals

Herbs, Heirlooms, and Exotic Plants

Local and Regional products

If it's Herbs, it's here!