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It's so exciting to watch the transformation of our French Broad River waterfront in Asheville during the last decade. Much of the amazing progress is thanks to the hard-working non-profit group RiverLink. RiverFest is a very fun way to celebrate the environmental and economic revitalization of the river as a place to live, work, and play.

Anything that Floats Parade

River Fest is an annual fundraiser celebrating the French Broad River, held at New Belgium Brewing (21 Craven Street) on the river near downtown Asheville 1-8 PM with live music, local beer, food trucks and more. Admission is free.

The festival is the finish line for the very fun and zany Anything That Floats Parade that kicks off at 9AM at Hominy Creek River Park for floaters. Watch the entries arrive as the festival kicks off. You are also welcome to enter the competition by building an outrageous raft, float or flotilla. Register at River Link. Winners will be chosen in four categories: most creative, green machine, funniest and judge's choice. Don't forget the costumes!

RiverMusic Asheville Concerts

 See our favorite things to do on the French Broad River in Asheville.

RiverLink was created in 1987 by local citizens and community leaders of Asheville to revitalize and conserve the riverfront district. For more info on RiverLink, go to their website.

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